Monday, June 1, 2009

What is this?

For as long as I can remember, I've loved skin. Actually, I'm obsessed with it. I love to try new things and I love to give people my personal testimonies. In fact, I love to try new things so much that I have more products than any man ever should. My friends will tell you, it's a sick obsession, often leaving me with more than I know what to do with, and usually giving tons of it away.

I've often used the phrase "friends don't let friends have dry skin or chapped lips." It sounds funny, but you can ask those closest to me, I am totally serious. I often have people ask me "What are you using for your skin? How do you get your hair to do the things that it does? Why do you always have 'butter soft' hands?" Lol. Well, to be honest, it has a lot to do with the place that I work but I also use tons of products that don't come from there.

That is why I have created A Chunk of the Middle. I've decided to use this blog to share with everyone some of my favorite products, why I love them, and why you should use them too. I will also address many other subjects such as exercise, fashion, culture and beauty.

I encourage you to email me with some questions/comments of your own. I'd love to answer some of your questions and hear about some of your favs too.


  1. I would like to know what to do when someone decides to use her feet to pinch your cheeks. Once she's finished, bruises that remind me of hickey's remain. WHAT DO I DO!?!?!

  2. Well, first of all I need to ask HOW this even happened?!? You know what, maybe that's a little TMI.

    Okay, so for those of you who have never had the uh, pleasure of a hickey, let me explain.
    A hickey is caused by pressure on the skin either from suction or biting. The purple coloration is caused from broken blood vessels under your skin.

    To relieve "hickeys" I suggest putting spoons in the freezer for at least 10 minutes, then place it round side down and rub up and down until the spoon is warm. This should get rid of the black/purple look and just leave a red mark.

    Another thing you could try is applying a warm, moist, used tea-bag as a hot compress. Repeatedly re-wet and re-warm it as needed until the hickey disappears, remember, the teabag will most likely stain your skin at the same time but it will get rid of the bruising.

    Either way, you will still have some discoloration of the skin. Say, maybe your girlfriend will let you borrow some concealer. (Actually not a bad idea)

    If all else fails, you could always pull out the old turtle neck sweater and hope that you don't burst into flames.

    And a little side note, if you're letting your girlfriend put her toes on your face, especially in a way that left "pseudo hickeys" on your cheeks, we may need to address this in a totally different article.

    Hope this helps.

